Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge- Letter Z


 to my second year in the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.

Since I plan to retire shortly, I thought an alphabetical look back at my paying library career and a look ahead to my crafting and writing career would be a good use of my 26 days in this challenge, 26 wonderful words for retiring me. Hope you enjoy. I am looking forward to reading whatever you share this month on your blogs, too.

Zero Hour- (a decisive or critical time.) 
As of today (preposted on April 21), I should be handing in my letter of retirement on April 25th. Any of you who have been reading this blog for the month should realize, my heart just leaped, as I typed those words, with anticipation and trepidation. Experts say that going through retirement is as stressful as a death, a birth, a major move. I certainly will agree with that. I want to thank you for hanging in here with me and helping me through the dark before the dawn.

Looking ahead: 
Zone, End- (One month and counting.)
Oh, wait, don't leave yet. We will be back to our normal broadcasting tomorrow, which sometimes involves long periods of time of no blogging from me. I apologize ahead of time.

And, as always, thank you for stopping by.

I did it, I finished the challenge 2 years in a row. Thanks to all of you who sponsored the challenge. It was fabulous again.


Heather M. Gardner said...

Nice job.

I knew you could do it!

Oh, and I giveth to youeth the Zombie Rabbit Award. More details on today's Z post.


Carol Bez said...

Ahhhhh.... now that you finished Z - you can actually catch some Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs:)

Good Luck Suzanne - Only the best is wished for you,my Friend! Love Ya!