Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Visit from Maggi and Doug...

 Some time ago, I got a Face Book message from  someone asking if I was the Suzi that graduated from Huntington High School in 19 mumble mumble.

Now I ask you, who has a memory that goes back that many years. I cautiously replied yes and thereby became reconnected with Maggi. We went through elementary school school and high school together .

So, we've kept in touch on FB and with an occasional email since. During this summer, she contacted me about a visit. Doug, her husband, and she would be coming to visit with relatives near Lake George in New York state in the beginning of October. We worked on the arrangements and yeah, they were able to spend the night with us Oct. 4th and then leave from here to continue on to JFK Oct. 5th.

We had a wonderful time catching up on family and friends. Maggi remembers everything. It was amazing. She told me about things we did in elementary school, she remembered the nuns' names. She reminded me of couples in high school. She and Doug have gone back to reunions- Gary and I have not. To demonstrate how bad my memory is, I asked where and how she and Doug met. To my surprise- Dough graduated with us.  Oops! And, no, I wasn't into drugs- my long term memory is very short.

So, Maggi and Doug live in San Antonio, TX, a place Gary and I have thought we'd like to visit after I retire, so we may pay them a visit in a few years.

We really had such a good time together, who knew after all these years.

1 comment:

Heather M. Gardner said...

I'm glad that this worked out!